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Index Implementation


Adapted from Tree-index

B Tree

  • A balanced tree data structure for maintaining sorted data
  • Nodes contain keys and data (or references to data)
  • Child pointers in nodes are positioned between keys

Why is it necessary

  • Facilitates CRUD operations in logarithmic time due to balanced structure

B+ Tree

  • Similar to B Tree but stores data only in leaf nodes
  • Internal nodes store keys for navigation
  • Leaf nodes are linked together, containing all data

How is it used

Data to store

Storing table

  • Uses B+ Tree for primary key indexing
  • Rows are serialized and stored in B+ Tree leaf nodes
BTree+ generated for PKEY

Resulting B+Tree

Iterating through table

  • Uses binary search and sequential access in B+ Tree

Using the index

BTree generated for index

B Tree Index Example

DSUse Case
B TreeOften used for indexes where quick search, insertion, and deletion are needed
B+ TreePreferred for indexing large data sets, particularly for range queries


B TreeB+ Tree
Node utilization / Disk I/O EfficiencyEach node holds keys and data (or pointers to data) => limits number of keys each node can hold => deeper tree / more disk readsInternal nodes only store keys => shallower tree => fewer disk reads
Range Queries / Sequential AccessRange queries might require traversal back up anddown to the tree => less efficientLeaf nodes linked => more efficient range queries / sequential access
Key DuplicationNo duplicate keys between internal node (key / associated data only stored once)Keys stored in both leaf / internal nodes


Efficiency in Different Scenarios: While both B Trees and B+ Trees are efficient, B+ Trees are generally preferred in disk-based systems because they provide better disk I/O efficiency and are more effective for range queries and sequential access

Logarithmic Time Complexity: Both structures indeed offer logarithmic time complexity for basic operations, but the constants involved (like the number of disk reads) can be significantly different, affecting real-world performance

Space Efficiency: If B Trees are only storing pointers (not the actual data), the difference in space efficiency becomes less pronounced. However, B+ Trees still often have an edge due to their structure allowing for more keys per node and thus a shallower tree

Closing words lol